Welcome hOMe!

by | Feb 22, 2022 | Uncategorized

Welcome hOMe!!

The word ‘hOMe’ means different things to everyone … at it’s core for me there is a sense of safety, a place of belonging and a feeling of connection; and I believe within every living being there is your own personal hOMe!

It has taken me an extremely long time to feel safe with, or connected to my ‘Self’, to genuinely believe that my most authentic expression of ‘me’ actually belongs … in a world of should be, and ridiculous expectations of how to look, act, dress, parent, age, and be … showing up as just me felt really risky to the whole belonging process!

The passed 16 years have been a massive crumbling, unlearning, rewilding and radical acceptance that if I just show up in all my imperfect, eccentric, magical glory I will instantly belong!  It truly is that simple my loves … we first must belong to our Self!

The belonging we think we should have is an illusion and part of our social conditioning … true belonging has no agenda, connection isn’t forced or contingent on external criterial … it just is, when we just be … try it, you’ll see!

Let go of what you think and align with what you feel … you will hear that often in my classes!  Stop thinking about what the pose should look like, embody the pose and adjust to what it feels like!

Yoga is so much more than movement, all of my offerings At hOMe take you beyond the Western ideals of yoga as fitness, or a path to  increased flexibility … it of course is those things but  my goal is to welcome you to discovering who you are on your yoga mat; as a window to the personal awareness you need to show up in your life as your best Self!

In 2021 I took a leap with my business that I knew was going to be wonderful for me, but it was going to change everything about how I was running my current business … to the foundations I am stripping back and starting over with some very amazing new partners!

A lifetime of connection with Horses has brought me to this place of ‘union’; which is of course what YOGA is … union/connection!  The Horses and I now have a container in which we can share their natural Wisdom and my Yoga/Life experience … At hOMe with Jo brings it all together!

Classes, workshops, courses, retreats bring us all together, and if you’re not ready to be in groups; we got your private opportunities too!  Sign up for the VIP Newsletter and be the first to hear all about it!



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