Spring ahead …

Spring ahead …

Sunshine beaming through dirty windows in every room of my home is a beautiful reminder that a Seasonal Shift has blown through! Wintering has become something I have come to not only love, but I have gotten quite good at it!  The stillness and the patience to do...
reflective ramble … weirder & wiser thanks to 2023

reflective ramble … weirder & wiser thanks to 2023

A year ago, I was sitting with a deep (although looking back, seemingly obvious, not sure how I missed it) realization; looking ahead to 2023 the one thing that struck me was that this would be the first year that I would not have Derek in … not one new memory or one...
Welcome hOMe!

Welcome hOMe!

Welcome hOMe!! The word ‘hOMe’ means different things to everyone … at it’s core for me there is a sense of safety, a place of belonging and a feeling of connection; and I believe within every living being there is your own personal hOMe! It...

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