All The Yoga Classes


At hOMe a Beginner Mind filled with awe and curiosity is always encouraged; our classes are designed to accommodate all levels of beginners!

We are currently not offering ‘Sessions’, each class on the Schedule is signed up for individually; payment by e-transfer is required to hold your spot.

See the description below for the magic each class offers!

  1.  Horse Wisdom Yoga® is an Equine Guided Beginner Yoga class.  From October thru to May these classes are offered in the studio; from June to September they are offered in the Round Pen with the Horses having the opportunity to interact in person.  Themes are Lunar (Full & New Moon) with sides of Astrology each phase and we mark the seasonal shifts of Equinoxes and Solstices too!  The teachings and handouts offer you a means to take the Wisdom of the Herd into your daily life, creating ritual and practices to support you both on and off your mat!  Speaking of which - don't forget your mat!  The Full Schedule is offered on the schedule page ... we look forward to guiding your Ancient Practice of Yoga with our Ancestral Wisdom of the Horse.
  2. Aerial Hammock Yoga is also offered from a completely Beginner Mind!  Discover a trust in yourself as you invite your body to fly and float through a yoga practice in and on the beautiful silks!  While there are no real pre-requisites for taking this class please note that Vertigo, Heart Conditions and Pregnancy may not be well supported in this practice ... if any of these things apply to you please let me know when you message so we can make an informed decision about your participation!
  3. Restorative Yoga is coming this Fall! This practice is not to be confused with YIN yoga, holding long uncomfortable poses to work on the joints and connective tissues ... Restorative Yoga is a pillow puddle of sorts, all the props fully supporting your body to the point where your body has no option but to relax!  The key here is relax, not sleep from exhaustion!  In these deeply restorative poses one can find relief for the nervous system helping to counter balance all of the damage that lifestyles are having on our physical bodies and in our mental emotional Self!  Super excited to be offering this new class ... it is so relevant right now!
  4. Rising Goddess is a brand new morning yoga/medicine of movement class!  We begin with a gentle yoga flow to warm up our bodies and allow our minds to arrive in them, we move on the TRX system for a core stabilizing yoga workout, and finish up with a beautiful myofacial release sequence on the foam rollers!  Taking care of our bodies and discovering amazing new practices to support strength, mobility, flexibility and balance!  So much awesomeness!

Please note that all classes are limited to 6 participants in the studio ... in the Round Pen offerings I open class size to 12 participants.


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